Applesauce Date Cake


250 gr flour
10 ml soda
3 gr cinnamon
1 gr allspice
1 gr nutmeg
1 gr salt
2 eggs
220 gr l brown sugar
110 gr butter
475 ml applesauce
150 gr dates
170 gr pecans


large bowl, sift flour with soda, spices and salt. Add eggs, brown sugar, butter, and 1 cup hot applesauce; at low speed, beat just until the ingredients are combined. 3. At medium speed, beat 2 minutes longer, occasionally scraping the side of the bowl and guiding mixture into the beater with a rubber scraper. 4. Add remaining applesauce, dates, and walnuts; beat 1 minute. 5. Pour batter into pan. Bake 50 minutes OR UNTIL straw comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes in pan.