Apricot Chicken Thighs


120 gr apricot nectar
60 ml dry sherry
30 ml soy sauce
16 ml lemon juice
16 ml prepared mustard
2 gr ginger
12 apricot


Combine all but chicken and dried apricots. Mix well, set aside.

Trim excess fat from chicken. Rinse chicken with cold water, pat dry. Place chicken in a 12x8x2 inch baking dish. Pour reserved apricot nectar mixture over chicken. Cover and bake at 350 deg F for 45 minutes. Uncover, and place aproicot halves in apricot nectar mixture. Continue baking, uncovered, 15 minutes or until chicken is tender.

Remove chicken to a warmed serving platter, discarding apricot nectar mixture. Garnish each thigh with 2 apricot halves. Serve immediately.

PER SERVING: 192 calories, 18 g protein, 7.7 g fat, 8.5 g carbohydrates, 65 g cholesterol, 1.3 mg iron, 290 mg sodium, 16 mg calcium.