Atomic Bread


1 package dry yeast
120 ml warm water
1 gr ginger
30 ml honey
375 ml evaporated milk
3 gr salt
30 ml oil
575 gr wheat
1 loaf dissolve yeast in the warm water in mixing bowl
16 ml honey
1 at a time


hour. The crust will be very brown. Brush the top lightly with butter. Let the entire bread and can cool for 5 to 10 minutes on a wire rack, then loosen the crust around the edge of the can with a thin knife and slide the bread from the can. Cool it in an upright position on the wire rack. VARIATION: Add to the yeast mixture 1 tsp cinnamon and half tsp nutmeg. With the final addition of flour, add half cup raisins and half cup chopped walnuts. Bread Winners From the collection of Jim Vorheis