Badam Diyea Mangsha


60 ml vegetable oil
210 gr potatoes
1 bay leaf
1 chili
5 cardamom pods
2 cinnamon stick
240 gr onion
8 gr garlic
1 gr turmeric
4 gr cumin
1 gr sugar
900 gr beef filet mignon
120 ml water
30 ml yogurt
8 gr cashews
1 gr salt
1 gr garam masala
30 ml oil in a over hea fry the potatoes until they turn
30 ml oil to the


meat and water. Lower the heat and simmer, covered, 30 minutes. Add the potatoes and simmer, covered, until both meat and potatoes are tender, about 30 more minutes. Turn heat very low. Blend in yogurt, nuts, and salt and remove from heat. (Prolonged heating will curdle the sauce, detracting from its appearance and texture.) Stir in garam masala. Decorate with onion rings and cilantro. From The Flavors of India, by Bharti Kirchner