Bethel Bread


575 gr am multi blend flour
18 gr sea salt
2 packages dry yeast
700 ml warm water
120 ml honey
30 ml am unrefined vegetable oil
30 ml apple cider vinegar
650 gr am unbleached flour


Combine the first three ingredients. Combine liquids and add to dry mix. Mix until creamy. Cover and set in warm place for 15 minutes. Stir in wheat flour gradually until too thick to stir. Turn dough onto floured surface and knead in more flour until dough is only slightly sticky. Knead 5 minutes. Place in oiled bowl and let rise in warm place until doubled in size. SHape into two loaves. Place in oiled bread pans and let rise until volume increases by half. Bake at 180ÂșC . for 45 minutes or until nicely browned. Let cool slightly. Remove from pans and let cool on rack.