Black Magic Cake


400 gr sugar
220 gr flour
65 gr unsweetened cocoa
9 gr baking powder
5 gr baking soda
1 gr salt
240 gr strong coffee
240 ml sour cream
120 ml vegetable oil
2 eggs
8 gr vanilla
130 gr unsweetened chocolate
80 ml water
28 gr butter
600 gr powdered sugar
6 ingredients until combined
4 liquid measure


the machine running, slowly pour liquid in a steady stream through the small feed tube. Let blend until smooth, about 5 seconds. Scrape down work bowl and mix 5 seconds more. Pour into prepared pan and bake for 40 to 45 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Remove from oven and let cool on wire rack. Frost with Dark Chocolate Frosting. Break chocolate into 3 cm chunks. Use metal blade to chop fine. Bring water and butter just to boil; remove from heat; add vanilla. With machine running, pour liquid in slow stream through tube. Scrape; add sugar. Blend. Shared by JEANNE SCHIFF, Prodigy ID# SSBB43A.