Blue Cheese Minestrone


900 gr beef rib bones
2,400 ml water
1 cranberry
850 gr smoked meaty ham hocks
3 carrots
1 onion
14 gr parsley
1 clove garlic
5 ml dry mustard
4 lasagne
30 gr bleu cheese
85 gr cabbage


Salt to taste Place beef bones in kettle, cover with water, bring to a>>> boil, reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 4 hours. Chill bones and broth and remove fat from surface. Add beans and ham hocks, heat to boiling, reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 2 hrs. more. Chill and remove fat from surface; remove meat from bones; return meat to soup. Add carrots, onions, parsley, garlic, mustard, lasagne, and bleu cheese. Cover and simmer 2 hours more. Add cabbage; cook 5 mins. or until tender. Taste; add sat if necessary. Makes 8 servings. It sounds good to me. Let me know if anyone tries it. Gert Henningsen drkd50a 0.058823529411765 6:30 p.m.