Braised Chicken Legs W/ Creamy Saut�ed Sweet Peppers


180 gr cacique brand baby jack cheese
6 cacique brand crema mexicana
6 chicken legs
475 ml chicken stock
4 slices bell peppers thinly
2 slices green bell peppers thinly
120 ml lime juice
18 gr garlic
30 ml canola oil


To braise the chicken, salt, pepper, and sear both sides of the legs, then plac e in a shallow roasting pan and fill halfway with the chicken stock. Cover with aluminum foil to form a seal and roast at 350� until done. In the meantime, sau t� the peppers in the oil, and add the garlic, lime juice, cilantro and the Crem a Mexicana. When the chicken is ready, move to serving platter and top with the cheese to melt, and pour the creamy pepper sauce over the chicken.