Breakfast Lasagne


1 package lasagne noodles
240 gr ricotta cheese
2 eggs
50 gr butter
45 gr flour
700 ml milk
2 ml dry mustard
1 gr nutmeg
1 gr salt
30 ml wine
8 gr tomato paste
16 ml olive oil
4 garlic
425 gr ham thinly
120 gr gruyere cheese
120 gr mozarella cheese
40 gr parmesan cheese
1 parsley


Prepare noodles according to package directions. Mix ricotta cheese with eggs. Prepare white sauce: melt butter in medium saucepan, add flour, stirring until smooth. Add milk slowly using whisk. Cook slowly until sauce is smooth and thickened. Add dry mustard, nutmeg, and salt. Stir in wine and half of the Parmesam cheese. In small pan, saute garlic in oil. Remove garlic, add oil to sauce. Stir in tomato paste. Layer ingredients into a 13 X 9 X 2 lasagne pan starting with a thin layer of sauce. Next a layer of noodles followed by the ricotta cheese and egg mixture, the ham, the gruyere and the mozzarella cheese. To with sauce and Parmesan cheese. Repeat, starting with noodles, until finished, ending with sauce and Parmesan cheese. Sprinkle with parsley. Bake at 180ÂșC or 35 to 45 minutes in a preheated oven. Let stand for 10 minutes before serving. NOTES: This is an original recipe created by UPSTAIRS-DOWNSTAIRS caterers in Western New York State several years ago. It won a prize in a Lasagne contest sponsored in the same area in 1984 or thereabouts. Recipe By : "Joanne L. Schweikj" <SCHWEIKJ@FREDONIA.BITNET>