Cafe Au Lait Cheesecake


450 gr butter cookie crumbs
150 gr sugar
6 sweet buuter soft
50 gr gelatin
120 ml water
3 eggs
350 ml cream
700 ml cream cheese softened
4 gr vanilla
10 gr coffee liquer
30 gr instant coffee dissolved in
45 ml water


Use a 25 cm springform pan.

CRUST: In a medium-sided bowl, combine the butter cookie crumbs, sugar and butter. Blend well with fingers, fork or pastry blender. Press or pat the mixture onto the bottom and sides of a well-buttered springform pan. Chill in the freezer or frigde for about 30 minutes.

FILLING: Soften the gelatin in the cold water.

In a small saucpan, combine the egg ylks and sugar and gradually stir in the light cream. cook the mixture over medium heat, stirring, until it coats a metal spoon. Remove from the heat and stir in the softened gelatin.

Beat the cream cheese until very smooth and creamy, then add the vanilla and continue to beat until very smooth and creamy. Add the gelatin mixture to the cheese mixture and beat until smooth.

Chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or until the mixture is set.

In separate small mixing bowls, whip the heavy cream and beat the egg whites until stiff, then fold both into the cream cheese mixture.

In a small saucepan, heat the instant coffee dissolved in water, and the coffee liquer, stirring until smooth. Add the coffee mixture to the cheese mixture and beat until very smooth and creamy.

Pour into the chilled springform pan and refrigerate for 3 hours, or until cake is set and firm. Carfully remove the sides of the springform pan, transfer cake to a serving dish, and serve.