Center Club Chicken Wings


1,100 gr chicken wings
300 ml hoisin sauce
180 ml sauce
120 ml soy sauce
80 ml cider vinegar
60 ml dry sherry
60 ml honey
6 green onions
6 garlic


Cut off and discard wing tips. Separate wing at joint. At the drumstick joint, separate bones with small knife and push meat to tip. Remove smaller bone and discard. Mix all other ingred in large bowl. Add chicken and coat well. After refrigerating coated chicken for at least 24 hrs, preheat oven to 375 degrees. Line baking pan with foil and place rack over foil, first coating rack with cooking spray.

Drain chicken, reserving liquid. Place chicken on rack and roast for 30 min. Baste, turn wings and return to oven for an additional 30 min.