Cheese-stuffed Burgers


60 gr monterey jack cheese
1 chile pepper
1 tomato
700 gr beef
8 slices crusty bread
12 gr coriander


1. Shred the cheese, seed and chop the chile pepper, combine. Slice the tomato; set aside.

2. Shape the beef into 8 thin patties, put quarter of the cheese mixture in the cen ter of 4 of the patties. Top with remaining patties and pinch to seal.

3. Toast the bread. Heat oil in a frying pan and cook the hamburgers 6-8 minute s over medium heat for medium rare. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

4. Place cooked hamburgers on the toast and top with tomato slices and another slice of toast.

Notes: Per burger: 651 calories, 40g fat