Consuelo's Albondigas


270 gr meat
28 gr bread crumbs
1 stalk celery fine
4 garlic peel
16 gr flour
1 egg
16 ml milk
6 gr salt
30 ml olive oil
1/2 bunch parsley
60 ml wine
1,900 ml broth


Thoroughly mix egg, bread crumbs, celery, salt, pepper, and half the garlic. Form into SMALL balls. Roll in flour and brown in hot oil. AS they brown, remove to a plate. In the same oil sautee the remaining garlic and parsley. Deglaze with 2 T wine or water. Put all ingredients into a pot, simmer half hour to 45 min. Carrots and/or potatoes may be added with meat balls. Serve with broth as soup, or without broth as main dish. Consuelo is my other Spanish sister-in-law and her cooking is as good as Antonita's. I ate very well when I was in Spain and France! Heather near L.A. 'u'