Cowpoke Chili


some garlic
1 slab bacon
900 gr dry pinto beans
1 onion
2 ancho peppers
1 tablespoo
2,800 ml water
7 gr salt
1 package one tomatoes
12 serrano peppers
12 tiny green pickled
2 gr coriander seeds
2 hrs remove the rind from the bacon
1/2 squares


mixture to beans and continue cooking uncovered, over a low flame for 1 hour or until beans are very tender. Makes about 3 litre . They used to say a cowhand would work from sunrise to sunset "for a dollar a day and a plate of beans." Now, either he liked his work or the beans were pretty good. And they tasted even better when the cook built a bean chili by adding bacon, tomatoes and hot peppers. From "Famous Chili Recipes From Marlboro Country". ----