Croation Poppy Seed Povitica


575 gr poppy seeds
240 ml honey
240 ml evaporated milk
5 eggs
230 gr butter
2 packages instant dry yeast
60 ml lukewarm water
240 ml scalded milk cooled
3 gr salt
100 gr sugar
55 gr margarine
650 gr flour


NOTE: This recipe does not give instructions for mixing dough. Mix as you would any cake that uses yeast and then follow instructions below. Dough: Knead into a smooth elastic dough, let rise until double in size, about 1 hour. Roll dough very thin, about -20ºC eet long and 46 cm wide on floured plastic sheet. Spread poppy seed filling on rolled dough and roll like as for jelly roll. Place in greased long narrow loaf pans. Let rise for half hour. Bake at 180ºC or 50 to 60 minutes. ~-POPPY SEED FILLING:-Boil Filling Ingredients for 10 minutes or until thick enough to spread. Cool and spread on thin rolled dough.