Dark Bread


240 ml warm water
2 carob powder
80 gr maple syrup
500 gr wheat pastry flour
36 gr yeast
190 gr rye flour
4 eggs
75 gr corn meal
60 ml molasses
1 egg
16 gr instant coffee
16 ml water


Combine warm water and maple syrup; sprinkle on yeast; set aside. Using a whisk, blend eggs, molasses, and coffee. Add carob powder and half of flour. Beat until smooth. Using a wooden spoon, mix in rye flour and corn meal; beat thoroughly. Gradually add remaining flour. Turn onto floured work surface and knead 15 minutes. Place in lightly oiled bowl; turn dough so top is also oiled. Cover with a towel and let stand for 1 hour. Turn out, punch down, and knead for 3 minutes. Form into round loaves. Place on lightly oiled cookie sheets. Combine egg and water; use to brush loaves. Let rise again for 1 hour; bake at 350 degrees, 30-40 minutes or until thunking sound is made when bread is hit with a knuckle. ----