Death By Chocolate


250 gr flour
14 gr baking powder
2 gr baking soda
400 gr sugar
2 eggs
1 stick butter quartered softened
240 ml sour cream
120 ml water
9 gr vanilla extract
2 tbs cocoa
230 gr chocolate chips
1 powdered sugar


Sift flour, baking powder, and baking soda twice. Place in a small bowl. Beat the sugar and eggs in a large mixing bowl until sugar is dissolved. Add butter and mix into egg mixture thoroughly. Add sour cream, water, vanilla extract, and beat. Add flour mixture and cocoa and beat slowly just until flour is absorbed. Do not overbeat. Fold in chocolate chips and pour into buttered Bundt pan. Bake at 180ÂșC for 1 hour. When cool, sift powdered sugar on top.