Dirty Snowballs


120 ml vegetable oil
600 gr sugar
130 gr chocolate
4 eggs
9 gr vanilla
9 gr baking powder
250 gr flour


Melt chocolate in double boiler or microwave. Combine melted chocolate, granulated sugar, vanilla and vegetable oil in a mixer. Add eggs, one at a time, blending well each time. Sift (or stir) together flour and baking powder, add to wet mixture. Mix well. Let stand in refrigerator for a few hours or overnight. Roll dough into small balls (no more than about 3 cm in diameter), and roll in powdered sugar until coated. Bake for dozen minutes in a preheated 180ÂșC . oven. NOTES: * Chocolate cookies with powdered sugar coating -This recipe was handed down to me from my step-sister who got it from her mother. Yield: Several dozen. * The temperature is very important: any lower and the cookies won't bake properly; any higher and the powdered sugar will glaze. * If you coat your palms with powdered sugar before attempting to roll the balls your hands will get less sticky. Put the dough back in the refrigerator whenever you are not actively using it; it is easier to work when cold. * You don't actually have to bake these; they make a reasonable fudge when left uncooked, but if left in the refrigerator for several days before baking they will become dried out. When done, the unused powdered sugar will have small shards of chocolate in it; these can be strained out and the sugar will be re-usable. : Difficulty: moderate. : Time: 30 minutes preparation, overnight chilling, 20 minutes baking and cooling. : Precision: measure the ingredients. : Judy Anderson : Lucid, Inc., Menlo Park, California, USA : edsel!yduj@labrea.stanford.edu : Copyright (C) 1986 USENET Community Trust