Fortune Cookies


45 gr butter softened
38 gr sugar
1 egg
2 gr vanilla
40 gr flour


Heat oven to 400. Grease 2 cookie sheets. Write a fortune on each strip of paper and have an empty water glass ready.

Beat butter, sugar egg white and vanilla in a small bowl with an electric mixer on medium speed until well blended. Stir in flour.

Working in batches of 3, drop 1.5 teaspoons of batter at least 10 cm apart on prepared cookie sheet. Spread batter with back of a spoon into a 8 cm circle.

Bake 3 to 4 minutes or until edges turn golden brown. Working quickly, remove cookie with a spatula to work surface. Place a fortune horizontally in the center of the cookie. Fold bottom half of cookie to top and press edges with fingertips for 3 seconds. Holding top edge of cookie, place center of fold over rim of the glass. Gently press sides down to bend cookie in middle. Let cool on rim 1 minutes. Repeat with remaining 2 cookies. Let cookies cool completely on wire rack. Repeat process using remaining dough and cooled cookie sheet. Store in an airtight container.