Full Moon Harvest Blend


38 gr bag caramel microwave -popping corn
1 apples
170 gr raisins
3 gr pumpkin pie spice
1 gr ginger
1 gr allspice


Prepare corn according to package directions; discard unpopped kernels. After coating popped corn, place in a large bowl instead of spreading on cookie sheet.Immediately stir in apples and raisins.In small bowl, combine spices then sprinkle over popcorn mixture. Toss gently to coat popcorn and fruit. Makes 1.5 quart mix. ADDITIONAL POPPING GOOD SNACKS: * Heat chocolate chips and drizzle over popcorn. Mix thoroughly and drop by spoonfuls onto a cookie sheet to harden for a chocolate delight. * Liven up your usual brown bag lunch by replacing potato chips with a bag full of popping corn that has been seasoned with your favorite topping. * Serve popcorn in a new way by baking a mixture of popcorn, cheddar cheese, chopped bacon and green onion. SOURCE: Best Recipes Magazine October 1992 ///oo/\ From the hearth in Sandee's Kitchen...