Gateau St. Honore


40 gr brandy
85 gr golden raisins
350 gr semisweet chocolate
110 gr butter
5 eggs
180 gr puff pastry
400 gr sugar
16 cream puffs
475 ml whipping cream to plump raisins
280 gr chocolate in
12 circle about
450 until golden brown


skillet until golden brown. Do not overbrown. Remove immediately from heat. Using fork, quickly dip one half of each cream puff into caramel and place on buttered parchment paper. When caramel has set, dip uncoated half in caramel. Cool. Place caramel-coated cream puffs around puff pastry. Fill center with chilled chocolate filling. Melt remaining 3 ounces chocolate. Whip cream until soft peaks form. Fold melted chocolate into half of whipped cream. Set aside. Spoon remaining half of whipped cream into pastry bag fitted with a large round tube. Pipe dome-shaped balls in rows over chocolate filling, leaving spaces between rows. Repeat, using chocolate whipped cream, filling in spaces between rows of white whipped cream to create stripes. Makes one 30 cm cake