Grand Marnier Cranberry Muffins


300 ml orange juice
60 ml grand marnier liqueur
180 ml canola oil
270 gr cranberries
325 gr all purpose flour
130 gr wheat flour
300 gr sugar
28 gr baking powder
1 gr salt
14 gr orange zest
4 egg whites


Preheat oven to 400=B0. Combine the orange juice, Grand Marnier, and the oil and set aside. In a large bowl, combine the flours, sugar, baking powder, salt and orange zest. In another large bowl, beat the egg whites until frothy. Combine the juice mixture with the beaten egg whites. Add the egg mixture and the cranberries to the flour mixture, stirring just until moist. Using a quarter cup measure, divide the batter among 24 muffin cups that have been lined with paper cups. Bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown and puffed.