Irish Bread With Sour Cream


325 gr sifted all-purpose flour
9 gr baking powder
3 gr salt
2 gr baking soda
50 gr shortening
100 gr sugar
1 egg
350 ml sour cream
170 gr raisins
55 gr currants


Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Sift flour, baking powder, salt and soda into a bowl. Set aside. Cream shortening and sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg and sour cream. Mix well. Stir into flour mixture. Mix until well blended. Fold in raisins and currants. Spoon into a greased 2 litre casserole. Bake for 50 minutes. Cover with aluminum foil and baked 10 minutes longer or until done. Makes one round 20 cm loaf.JM. From Maxie <maxie@usa> ----