Jill's Focaccia


240 ml lukewarm water
18 gr salt
16 ml garlic oil
16 ml olive oil
1/4 diastatic malt powder
190 gr king arthur flour
190 gr italian flour
2 italian seasoning
1 tbs oregano
1 tbs basil
12 gr regular yeast
65 gr kalamatra olives
70 gr pine nuts
140 gr pepper
1 steamed brocolli
1 slice artichokes
1 basil
1 cracked black pepper


Make a slack dough either by hand, electric mixer, or bread machine with the first 9 ingredients. Add the olives and pine nuts just before the last half cup flour if your hand kneading or using mixer or 5 minutes before the end of the bread machine cycle ( to keep them whole ). Let dough double in size about 1.5 hours. Punch down and spread in a cornmeal, heavily dusted 36 cm round pizza pan. Make indentations in the dough with your finger tips, cover and let rise for 45 minutes or doubled and puffy. Push vegetables of your choice into dough to keep them anchored down. Meanwhile preheat oven to 500. turn it down to 450 and bake foccacia 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from oven and sprinkle with fresh basil and cracked black pepper. Fresh tomato slices, chopped garlic and a bit of olive oil elevate this bread to sublime.

Note:Italian flour: lowest level of ash,protein level 9.8 % and used to add lightness to pizza etc. Diastatic malt powder ( or barley malt syrup ) when added to dough helps produce a finer texture and longer keeping quality NYC Nutrilink: M0^00000,M0^00000,M0^00000,M0^00000,M0^00000 NYC Nutrilink: M0^00000,M0^00000,M0^00000,M0^00000,M0^00000 NYC Nutrilink: M0^00000,M0^00000,M0^00000,M0^00000,M0^00000 NYC Nutrilink: M0^00000,M0^00000,M0^00000 ----