Kahlua Ice Cream Pie *


280 gr chocolate wafer cookies
65 gr butter
10 kahlua
1 expresso powder
85 gr semi-sweet chocolate
8 gr butter
475 ml ice cream
475 ml chocolate ice cream
180 ml whipping cream
1/2 cookies
110 gr melted butter
9 pie
6 tbls kahlua


and expresso powder over low heat until warmed and powder is dissolved. Stir in chocolate and 1 tbls butter and stir until melted and smooth. Cool completely. Transfer vanilla ice cream to electric mixer bowl and allow to soften slightly. Add 2 tbls Kahlua and beat on low speed to blend. Spread over bottom of cooled crust and freeze until firm. Spread cooled chocolate mixture over ice cream in plate. Freeze until firm. Transfer chocolate ice cream to mixer bowl; blend in remaining 2 tbls Kahlua as above. Spread chocolate ice cream over sauce in pie. Freeze until firm. To serve, pipe decorative border of whipped cream around inside edge of pie.