Kalsbrust Mit Krauterfullung


some salt and pepper
3 slices bacon
1 onion
4 mushroom
7 gr parsley
2 gr dill
2 gr tarragon leaves
1 gr basil leaves
230 gr beef
55 gr bread crumbs
3 eggs
200 ml sour cream
2 gr salt
2 gr pepper
800 gr boned veal breast
1,000 gr boned leg of veal
5 ml vegetable oil
475 ml beef broth
5 gr cornstarch
350 degree


occasionally with beef broth. When done, place meat on a preheated platter. Pour rest of beef broth into the Dutch oven and scrape brown particles from the bottom. Bring pan drippings to a simmer. Thoroughly blend cornstarch with sour cream and add to pan drippings while stirring cook and stir until thick and bubbly. Slice veal breast and serve sauce separately.