Ken & Laura's Amazing Impromptu Sweet


34 gr scallions
2 garlic
200 gr snow pea pods
1 slice zucchini squash
130 gr broccoli
120 gr straw mushrooms
1/2 bean sprouts
120 ml water chestnuts
1/2 bamboo shoots
34 gr bell pepper
1 package pineapple chunks
1 package mandarin orange
1 slice ripe mango
350 ml tamari pineapple juice
24 gr cornstarch
30 ml water
10 gr ginger


First to go in the wok was the oil, scallions, and garlic. Use enough oil so that it'll coat all the veggies but not make them slimy (I'd say about 0. 5.6666666666667 c.). Heat these ingredients until the garlic starts to turn brown. Then add the pea pods, squash, and broccoli. Cook about 3-5 min. Then add the bean sprouts, water chestnuts, bamboo, and peppers. Cook for a few more minutes, until veggies are slightly tender but still sort of crisp. Then add the pineapple, oranges, and mango. Cook about a minute, then add the sauce. When the sauce starts bubbling, the stir-fry is done. Serve over rice. Yum!