Lamb& Cabbage Casserole


some fat
4 lamb chops
65 gr all purpose flour
170 gr cabbage cored
28 gr butter
120 ml water
26 gr black peppercorns


Directions: Directions: Lightly salt the chops, preferably an hour before you plan to cook them. Oil a heavy casserole that can be placed on top of the stove and that is just wide enough to hold two chops. Put in two chops and sprinkle them with flour. Place a half to 3 cm layer of cabbage over them, sprinkle with salt and then flour, and dot with butter. Continue making layers, ending with cabbage and a little butter. Pour on the hot water. Tie the peppercorns securely in cheesecloth and lightly bruise them with a rolling pin, or bruise them with pestle and mortar and put them in a metal spice-holding ball. Bury the peppercorns in the casserole. Cover and bring to the boil. Immediately lower the heat and simmer very gently for about 1.5 hours, until the meat is very tender and the cabbage almost melted. Remove the peppercorns. Serve with boiled potatoes.