Make-ahead Monkey Bread


200 gr sugar
16 gr cinnamon
24 dough balls
1 stick butter melted


About 8 hours before serving, or night before, combine first two ingredients in a bowl. Remove -0ºC rozen dough balls from freezer and wet them slightly before adding to sugar/cinnamon mixture. Stir to coat and dump into a Bundt pan sprayed w/cooking spray. Melt butter and add remaining sauce ingredients in a small bowl and pour over dough. Cover with a towel and let rise 8 hours or overnight.

Bake 180ºC or about 30 minutes. Place large plate on top and invert bread onto plate. Let cool only long enough that you don't get burned this is best when hot.

Note: I've always gotten my frozen dough balls by defrosting one store-bought frozen bread dough loaf just until I can cut through it w/a knife (about 1.5 hours), then divide into 24 equal pieces. I then flash freeze and store in Ziploc until I need them (don't know if it's bad to defrost dough and freeze w/out cooking like it is w/meat but we haven't had a problem). Soon, I plan on trying the recipe posted here recently that makes 2 loaves +16 balls and just saving up the balls until I'm ready to make the bread. You can play around a lot w/amount of butter, cinnamon and sugar, the one I posted above is already cut down, if you want it really gooey and buttery then use one and a half sticks of butter.

-----------------------------------------------Julie in MA -----------------------------