Meat Filled Oriental Pancakes


4 eggs
120 ml water
32 gr cornstarch
10 ml soy sauce
2 gr sugar
2 ml vegetable oil
45 ml soy sauce
16 ml dry sherry
350 gr beef
130 gr pork
80 gr green onions
2 gr ginger root
1 clove garlic
8 omelet
1/4 cupful skillet
2 ml oil to for pancake
6 pancakes


FILLING: ombine cornstarch, soy sauce and sherry in large bowl. Add beef, pork, green onions, ginger and garlic; mix until thoroughly combined. ASSEMBLY: Spread half cup meat mixture evenly over each pancake, leaving about a 1 cm border on one side. Starting with opposite side, roll up pancake jelly-roll fashion. Place rolls, seam side down, in single layer, on heatproof plate; place plate on steamer rack. Set rack in large pot or wok of boiling water. Cover and steam 15 minutes. (For best results, steam all rolls at the same time.) Just before serving, cut rolls diagonally into quarters. Arrange on serving platter and serve hot. Typed by Syd Bigger.