

some black pepper
150 gr navy
30 ml olive oil
2 garlic
1 onion coarsely
3 carrots in
1 leek thinly
3 stalks celery in
26 gr tightly packed basil
2 gr thyme
400 ml italian tomatoes with juice
700 ml water
700 ml vegetable stock
525 gr green beans
55 gr orzo
240 ml boiling water
2 zucchini in
270 gr cabbage cored
80 gr parmesan cheese
1 romano cheese
1 soak the navy beans overnight
120 gr basil
475 ml boiling water


Author's note: For a friend of mine, a superb minestrone always contains one s ecret ingredient: a tablespoon of sugar to enhance all of the flavors. She may be right.