Mont Blanc


4 egg whites
1 gr salt
1 ml cream of tartar
1 less
14 gr sugar
7 gr vanilla
800 gr chestnuts
15 chestnut puree
1 vanilla bean
350 ml water
65 gr sugar
350 ml whipping cream
1 egg
2 squares semisweet chocolate
625 deg
9 circle
3 1/2 circles
26 gr sugar until mixture holds long
5/8 tube
1 round
10 ones onto prepared shee bake


Beat cream until stiff, then add sugar to taste and vanilla. Beat egg white in separate bowl until stiff peaks form, then fold into cream. Place cream mixture into pastry bag fitted with star tip. Arrange meringue(s) on serving platter and pipe chestnut puree in bird's nest shape around edge of meringue. Pipe cream mixture in center, piling it high. Sprinkle grated chocolate over whipped cream and chill until serving time.