Moo Goo Gai Pan


some ginger root
1 chicken breast
180 ml water
45 ml soy sauce
30 ml dry sherry
12 gr cornstarch
16 ml honey
3 gr instant chicken granules
230 ml water chestnuts
200 gr pea pods
45 gr mushrooms
6 green onions
30 ml cooking oil


Partially freeze chicken; thinly slice into bite-sized strips. In small mixing bowl stir together the water, soy sauce, dry sherry, cornstarch, honey, and instant chicken bouillon granules; mix well. Slice the drained water chestnuts; set aside. Halve the pea pods crosswise; set aside. Slice the mushrooms and the green onion; set aside. Grate 2 teaspoon gingerroot; set aside. Heat the oil in wok over high heat. Add the chicken to wok and stir-fry 3 to 4 minutes. Remove chicken. Add more oil, if necessary. Stir-fry water chestnuts, pea pods, mushrooms, green onions, and ginger for 3 to 4 minutes. Return chicken to wok. Stir the bouillon mixture and stir into chicken. Cook and stir until thickened and bubbly. Cover and cook 2 minutes more or until heated through. This ought to serve 4 to 6.