My Mom's Extraordinary Chocolate Chip Cake


250 gr all purpose flour
450 gr packed brown sugar
1 gr cinnamon
65 gr butter
6 p
1 egg
5 gr baking soda
240 ml sour cream
30 ml milk
350 gr semisweet chocolate chips
3/4 baking
15 secon the butter


It should come out clean with a few crumbs adhering to it. Cool the cake thoroughly in the baking pan on a wire rack. Then center of the cake will sink slightly. Note: Some brands of sour cream are drier and thicker than others. If the sour cream is thick and has no liquid on top of it when opened, add the milk. If in doubt, add the milk. To freeze: Cut the cake into either two or three large pieces or 20 individual pieces. Remove from the baking pan. Wrap large cake pieces in plastic wrap, then heavy aluminum foil. Label with date and contents and freeze. After they are frozen, the large cake pieces can be stacked in the freezer. Wrap small pieces of cake in plastic wrap, place in a metal or plastic freezer container, and cover tightly. Ann Miner ----