New Orleans Beignet Doughnuts


1 package dry yeast
350 ml warm water
105 de
100 gr sugar
3 gr salt
2 eggs
240 ml evaporated milk
900 gr sifted all-purpose flour
50 gr soft shortening


Oil for frying In large bowl, sprinkle yeast over water; stir to dissolve. Add sugar, salt, eggs and milk. Blend with rotary beater. Add 4 cups of the flour; beat smooth. Add shortening; beat in remaining flour. Cover and chill several hours. Deep fry at 360 degrees 2 to 3 mintues or until lightly browned on each side. (If beignets don't rise to the top immediately when you drop them into the oil, the oil isn't hot enough.) Drain on paper towels. Sprinkle heavily with confectioners' sugar. Serve hot. ----