North Carolina Hush Puppies


150 gr corn meal
1 ml soda
8 gr flour
1 gr salt
4 gr sugar
120 ml buttermilk note
60 ml water
1 egg


Mix all dry ingredients together. Then add egg, buttermilk, and water. Drop by spoonful into hot deep fat. Fry to a golden brown. (If a deep pot is used, the hushpuppy will float to the top when done). *NOTE: If you don't want to buy buttermilk, substitute half c. milk with 1 T. lemon juice added. Stir and let it sit for 5 minutes. It works just as well. Please note: You can make variations of this recipe in several ways: i.e., quarter c. finely chopped onion, less sugar, etc. But, at the coast of NC the above type recipe is usually served. Judy Garnett, pjxg05a, Raleigh,NC >>>>>