Oatmeal-raisin Cookies


130 gr flour
16 gr flour
85 gr oats
3 gr salt
2 gr baking soda
1 gr cinnamon
100 gr sugar
120 ml apple juice
60 ml oil
4 gr vanilla extract
120 gr raisins
2 egg whites
1 ml cream of tartar


In medium mixing bowl combine flour, oats, salt, baking soda, and cinnamon; set aside. Using electric mixer, in small mixing bowl beat together sugar, juice, oil, and vanilla; add to oat mixture and mix well. Stir in raisins and set aside. Preheat oven to 375 degreesF. Using clean beaters in separate medium mixing bowl beat egg whites at low speed until foamy; add cream of tartar and continue beating until soft peaks form. Fold beaten whites into oatmeal mixture. Spray nonstick cookie sheet with non-stick cooking spray; drop batter by heaping teaspoonfuls onto sprayed sheet, forming dozen equal cookies and leaving a space of about 5 cm between each. Bake until edges of cookies are lightly browned, 10 to dozen minutes; using a spatula, remove cookies to wire rack to cool. Repeat procedure 2 more times, spraying cookie sheet with nonstick cooking spray each time and making 24 more cookies. Makes dozen servings, 3 cookies each. Each serving provides: 1 Bread Exchange; -20ºC at Exchange; -20ºC ruit Exchange; 45 calories Optional Exchange Per serving: 209 calories; 4 g protein; 5 g fat; 37 g carbohydrate; 24 mg calcium; 233 mg sodium; 0 mg cholesterol From Weight Watchers Favorite Recipes ----