Oriental Spaghetti


170 gr spaghetti
30 ml sesame oil
60 ml soy sauce
200 gr snow peas
2 slices cucumbers
90 gr thinly green onions
5 gr parsley
30 ml wine vinegar
5 ml dry mustard
5 ml chili oil
16 ml sesame oil with
30 ml soy sauce


warm spaghetti with this mixture and set aside. Steam the snow peas for 2 minutes. Drain and cool under cold water. Combine the snow peas, cucumber strips, green onions, and parsley. Stir together the remaining sesame oil, soy sauce, vinegar, mustard, and chili oil. Toss this sauce with the vegetables. Then toss the vegetable mixture with the spaghetti mixture. Serve cold. Preparation time: 30 minutes Serves 4 to 6 *