Peach Ice Cream


24 gr cornstarch
1,400 ml milk
525 gr sugar
4 eggs
2 gr salt
375 ml evaporated milk
475 ml whipping cream
475 gr ripe peaches
14 gr vanilla
1 gr almond extract


Mix cornstarch with half cup milk until smooth. Add additional 1.5 cups milk and cook over very low heat until thick and smooth, stirring constantly to avoid lumps. Blend sugar, eggs, salt and evaporated milk in electric mixer bowl. Add hot cornstarch mixture and beat well. Add whipping cream, remaining 4 cups milk, peaches, vanilla and almond extract. Pour into gallon electric or hand-crank freezer. Churn and freeze according to manufacturer's directions until firm, then carefully remove paddle. Seal ice cream container well. Fill ice cream freezer to top with crushed ice and ice cream salt. Cover freezer tightly and set aside several hours to let ice cream season. Or spoon ice cream into another container which has been chilled and store in home freezer to season. Makes about 1 gallon