Pizza With Mixed Seafood


some pepper preheat oven
16 ml vegetable oil
2 stems broccoli
130 gr mushrooms
60 gr onion
4 gr oregano
1 gr oregano
8 gr cilantro
80 ml low-fat milk
230 gr pkg of fat
1 unbaked
14 oat bran pizza -crust


stir in milk and cream cheese. Allow cream cheese to soften. Mash until a smooth sauce forms. Arrange seafood on the 36 cm oat bran pizza shell. Spoon vegetable mixture over the top. Salt to taste. Bake for 20 minutes. Sprinkle with freshly ground pepper. When cooked, pizza topping will be lightly browned and the underside of the crust will be deep brown. Cut into 8 Cholestrol Cookbook, 1987 Shared by Allison Cozzi Courtesy of Shareware PROFESSIONAL RECIPE CLIPPER 2.0