pepper and garlic in olive oil or butter until just tender. Spoon a little bit of this into each steaming bowl of soup, and sprinkle with minced chives. (my water-sauteed bell pepper strips worked just fine) Prep time: 45 minutes, Yield: 4 to 6 Servings This recipe is designed primarily for yellow crooked-neck squash ( a summer squash), but in the winter you can substitute for acorn and butternut. To freeze yellow crooked-neck squash (so you can use it later in the winter), cut the squash into 1 cm slices, and drop into a saucepan of boiling water for 3 minutes. Drain and cool. Then wrap airtight in a plastic bag or container and freeze. To use acorn or butternut squash in this recipe, peel and seed a 1-lb. squash. Chop it into small piecesk and steam or boil until tender. Drain well. Then simply follow the recipe, biginning with step 2, substituting this cooked winter squash for the yellow crooked neck.