Scallop Or Shrimp Curry


120 gr onion
1 apple
2 garlic
6 gr curry powder
28 gr margarine
32 gr flour
1 gr salt
1 gr cardamom
1 gr pepper
300 ml nonfat chicken broth
16 ml lime juice
300 gr scallops
1 mushroom


In a large skillet, saute onion, apple, garlic, and curry powder in margarine u ntil tender. Remove skillet from heat and blend in flour, salt, cardamom, and poepper. Stir in chicken broth and lime juice until curry sauce is well blended. Bring curry sauce to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer, uncovered for about 5 min utes. Stir occasionally. Meanwhile, place scallops or shirmp in a pot of boiling water and cook until ju st tender 5-10 minutes. Drain and set aside. When curry sauce is finished cooking, add shellfish and mushrooms and serve ove r rice.