

2 ml olive oil
45 gr mushrooms
30 gr onion
34 gr bell pepper
60 gr egg substitute
16 ml cream cheese
28 ml in skillet heat oil


constantly, until egg substitute is set, about 2 minutes. Using a sharp knife, cut quarter of the way around edge of pita; open to form pocket. Fill pocket with egg substitute mixture. Weight Watcher Exchanges: half Fat, 1 Protein, 2 Vegetables, 1 Bread, 35 Optional Calories. Nutritional Analysis per serving: 190 calories, 11 g. protein, 5 g. fat, 26 g. carbohydrate, 58 mg. calcium, 344 mg. sodium, 7 mg. cholesterol, 2 g. dietary fiber. Calories from fat: 22.5% Original recipe from Weight Watcher "Simply Light Cooking." Conversion and additional nutritional analysis by Rick Weissgerber.