Skillet Beans And Rice


90 gr long grain rice


90 gr (180 ml) long grain rie, ooked (I have substituted quik ooking rie added diretly to the reipe when in a real hurry) 1 eah red & green bell pepper, ubed 1 med onion, hopped 1 small an (15 oz?) eah blak beans, kidney beans, pinto beans and either annelini or Great Northern beans (orig. reipe alled for Garbanzo, for whih I don't arebasially you need four types of your favorite bean) 1 small an tomatoes 1/2 barbeue saue (the strength of the suae an vary this amount) Saute peppers and onions in water until tender. Drain and rinse beans and add to skillet, along with tomatoes, barbeue saue and 1 up water. Cook a minimum of 15 minutes, up to 2 hours to meld flavors. Add rie on top.