Spicy Shrimp Kabobs


250 gr shrimp
45 ml oil
30 ml pickapepper sauce
2 apricot preserves if necessary
16 ml honey
7 gr maple syrup
3 gr pepper flakes
3 gr pepper
1 gr basil
1 gr oregano
1 gr rosemary
3 gr garlic
45 ml lemon juice


Peel and devein shrimp. Stir together oil, Pickapeppa sauce, preserves, honey, syrup, red pepper, pepper, basil, oregano, rosemary and garlic. Stir in shrimp. Cover and chill at least 1 hour. Drain shrimp, reserve marinade. Thread shrimp on skewers and barbeque over medium heat. Shrimp are done when they turn white throughout. Try not to overcook as that makes them tough and chewy. ----