Make marinade: In a bowl combine marinade ingredients, stirring until brown sugar is dissolved .
To marinade add olives, bell peppers, and onion. Season fish with salt and pep per and in a bowl toss with flour to coat, shaking off excess. Line a shallow baking pan with paper towels. In a large heavy skillet heat 3 tablespoons oil over moderately high heat until hot but not smoking and saute fish, 6 pieces at a time, turning once and adding remaining tablespoon oil to skillet as necessa ry, until golden on both sides and just cooked through, about 6 minutes. Trans fer fish as sauteed to paper-towel-lined pan to drain.
Transfer fish to a 13by 23 cm shallow baking dish and pour marinade mixture over fish, spreading vegetables in one layer. Marinate fish, covered and chill ed, at least 1 day and up to 3.
In a large saucepan of boiling salted water cook beans 3 minutes, or until cris p-tender, and drain in a colander. Refresh beans under cold water and drain. Beans may be cooked 2 days ahead and chilled in a sealable plastic bag.
Remove fish from marinade mixture and add beans to dish, tossing to coat. Tran sfer mixture to a large deep platter and arrange fish on top.
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