Swedish Oven Pancakes


700 ml milk
4 eggs
250 gr flour
55 gr butter
3 gr salt
26 gr sugar


Beat eggs well. Add milk, melted butter, salt and flour. Bake in a greased 9 X 13 pan in 220ºC oven for 25-30 minutes. Cut into squares and serve immediately with butter and syrup. Variations: Omit butter. Saute 3 strips bacon, cut up, until crisp. Put drippings and bacon in bottom of pan and pour batter over. Bake 190ºC for 30 minutes. Serve with berry and cream topping: half pint cream, whipped and 1 jar preserves (ie: raspberry, strawberry, apricot etc.) Serve with sour cream mixed with brown sugar. From Gary Allan (MusiCook)