Tempeh Chili


160 gr tempeh
60 ml soy sauce
30 ml water
1 gr garlic powder
1 gr onion powder
14 gr soy
90 ml olive oil
1 gr oregano
5 gr mustard powder
2 gr cumin
8 gr chili powder
1 green pepper
1 onion
3 gr salt
1 gr black pepper
1 tomato
850 gr tomatoes
425 ml kidney beans juice
170 gr liquid marinate tempeh with next
5 ingredients in a saucepan


( with marinade) and saute. Combine all ingredients, bring to boil and simmer 30 minutes. Serve hot and top with grated cheddar cheese. TEMPEH (TEM-pay) is an Indonsian cholesterol-free staple. It is made from tender cooked, cultured organic soybeans. Tempeh can be fried, broiled, baked or steamed. Use Tempeh in your favorite recipes as a meat substitute or serve on pizza, on sandwiches, or in sauces. Makes a great addition to any salad.