The Undy Arms Hotel Sticky Toffee Pudding


350 gr butter
400 gr berry sugar
2 eggs
375 gr flour
140 gr dates
5 gr baking soda
475 ml boiling water
600 gr brown sugar
475 ml whipping cream


Pudding. Cream butter and sugar until white and fluffy. Beat in eggs gradually. Fold in flour. In a separate bowl pour the boiling water over the dates and soda. When water is absorbed add other ingredients and cream mixture. Bake in 23 cm x 33 cm cake pan in moderate hot oven (350 F) for 40 minutes. Sauce. Mix all ingredients and bring to a boil. Poke holes in top of cake and pour half of mixture over top, allowing sauce to soak into cake. Brown under grill before serving. Keep remaining sauce hot and spoon onto still warm pieces of cake cut into 8 cm squares. Top with whipped cream. Recipe collected by Bernie Jurasek from the Undy Arms Hotel in Scotland and shared with Pat Busst circa 1986. Typed by Jack Busst, Calgary, Alberta. 1.7407407407407 Jack Busst c/o THE MESSHALL, 1: 1.8356164383562