Treasure Hunt


some veggies
some salt and pepper
some chicken stock
some which have spilled on the shore
280 gr chicken breast
1,600 ml chicken stock
70 gr butter
60 gr wild rice
10 gr onions
7 gr parmesan cheese
34 gr pearled carrot
18 gr celery
34 gr young peas
325 ml cream
1 lemon
3 gr chervil
4 green leek stems
25 cms long
4 crepes approximately
40 cms wide
20 soaked
4 sprigs chervil
1/2 spread open
1 flattened breas roll chicken breast up in a cone shape
4 crepes about
1/4 aside
700 gr should be sufficient to completely
60 gr butter until browned
3/4 vegetable pearls


sauce, lay thick ends of morels between them. Place a crepe bag on each plate, with reserved vegetable pearls laid beside bag. Garnish with chervil sprigs (or watercress or parsley). From "Champion Recipes of the 1986 Hong Kong Food Festival". Hong Kong Tourist Association, 1986.